So you may have saw the recipe going around Facebook for the Girl Scout Samoa Pie. If you haven’t, I have attached a picture (left) and the link here. Basically, it is a creamy, caramely, gooey pic covered with caramel, coconut and chocolate. I was finally having my mom over to celebrate Christmas, yes, don’t judge, we have been crazy busy. I needed a dessert, so thought I would attempt a Facebook recipe. Now I made the recipe according to the directions, but I must say, the creamy pie portion just didn’t firm up as expected. The dessert resulted in, although tasty, a gooey mess.
Fast forward to the next week, I decided to change up the recipe and create my own Samoa Pie. Here is how I changed it:
I bought a store bought chocolate pie crust (this one was Oreo). To that, I added a layer of cream cheese mixture (4 oz. cream cheese, 1/2 c cream cheese and about 4 oz. cool whip.) beat these together and spread on bottom of pie. Anyone ever making the Oreo pie, or similar will recognize this step.
Then I added a layer of caramel sauce, drizzled, not too think (I used Ghiradelli’s, you can find by ice cream or in baking).
Next layer, a layer of instant Jello brand caramel pudding.
Let firm up in fridge for a bit, then add your cool whip topping, layer of coconut/caramel mix (1 C coconut mixed with 1/2 C caramel sauce).
Drizzle with melted chocolate and viola! Same great tastes, perhaps even more complex, but none of that gooey mess I had before.
I even had extra layer mixes, so in order to accommodate more people than pie, I made these adorable mini deserts.
I think adding chopped pecans would have just vaulted this recipe into the stratosphere, but alas, I did not have any.
Here is what my desserts looked like! Happy Eating!